Parents Of Children With Chiari Malformation Have Learned Paxil May Be To Blame
It's now known that there are a variety of birth defects that can occur in a newborn
if the mother takes the antidepressant Paxil during the pregnancy, including severe conditions like Chiari Malformation. The risks of these Paxil birth defects weren't something that patients were told about until 2005 when the FDA reclassified the medication as a Category D drug. Following that announcement, former patients and their families have had to overcome the challenges caused by Paxil, which can include substantial medical bills related to the treatment of the child's Chiari Malformation.
Paxil remains on the market today but patients are strongly advised against continued use during pregnancy in order to prevent these kinds of health problems. That being said, those who have already been affected are filing Paxil lawsuits against the makers of the drug, GlaxoSmithKline. These victims believe that GlaxoSmithKline should be held accountable for their carelessness and responsible for their medical bills. Before deciding if moving forward with a prescription lawsuit is warranted, it's recommended that a Paxil attorney is consulted who can provide credible advice regarding the potential legal options that should be considered.
The Law Offices of Chandler, Mathis, & Zivley, PC provide free legal consultations to former patients that gave birth to a child with Chiari Malformation or other Paxil birth defects. The firm has won multiple Paxil lawsuits and is prepared to recommend the appropriate course of action. If a client decides to file a Paxil lawsuit, an attorney from Chandler, Mathis, & Zivley will go to work right away.
About Paxil Information and Support Center website was designed to provide those suffering from Paxil birth defects with the vital information and legal resources they need. If you believe your Paxil use may have resulted in a birth defect, then you have the right to receive appropriate compensation for your illness; the Paxil Information and Support Center website will help. For more information and to receive legal consultation, simply visit our site.
by: Roger Design
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Parents Of Children With Chiari Malformation Have Learned Paxil May Be To Blame