PPP treatment methods - How to get rid of Pearly Penile Papules
PPP treatment methods - How to get rid of Pearly Penile Papules
Treatments for PPP - Which is the best method to treat Penile Papules ?
PPP is a male genital skin condition which is harmless and it occurs due to unknown reasons. However, the large number of white or pink colored small bumps around the corona of penis are often mistaken for STD or Warts and females refuse to have sex with a male having ppp.
The best Treatment for ppp should effectively eliminate the bumps from the penis so that the affected person can regain the original appearance of his penis.
There are various methods for treatment of ppp.
Scientific methods of treatment as well as Home Remedies are quite common.
Scientific methods
1. Removal of bumps using Hyfrecator
2. Laser CO2 Therapy
These methods have the following disadvantages: -
Highly expensive
Side effects
Temporary cure only
Hospitalization and recovery period
Home Remedies are very effective and are widely accepted because of the following advantages: -
Less expensive
Simple methods done by patient in his home
Painless & no side effects
Permanent cure
Easily available ingredients
Smooth sexual life in future
Home Remedies are of 2 types: -
1. Traditional Home Remedy: Slow method of treatment giving results after a prolonged treatment. A few months will be taken for complete cure.
2. Improvised Home Remedy: Fast method giving quick results. Bumps will be removed within 2/3 days with all the comforts of other Home Remedies.If you want to cure PPP in 3 days time ,Improvised Home Remedy for ppp will be of great help to you
Treatment of ppp with castor oil/tea-tree oil
Clean the affected area and wipe to dry. Using cotton swab apply either plenty of castor oil or a little tea-tree oil on the bumps and leave them uncovered. Repeat the process 3 - 4 times daily until the papules are removed completely. This is a traditional Home Remedy method.
Do you have ppp? Want to get rid of it safely within just 3 days?