PC Doctor for your PC Check up

Share: There are many programs that claim to be the best PC doctor or doctor PC i.e
. a registry fixer which fixes all the registry issues and remove unnecessary entries from the registry if there is any. If you search something online while looking for a doctor PC or registry repair tool you may come across these programs available now a days. However all the programs that are being sold online named Doctor PC or with any xyz name they are in fact not all good and cannot be used always. They might also damage your PC if remove any such entry that is a system required one. Thus please be aware of the fact.
About protecting your windows registry you may change it manually if you feel you are good enough to make necessary corrections and your change will not lead to hazardous or any ill effect to your computer. Here one very important factor needs to be considered before making any changes to the registry which is to take a backup before altering or adding any entry in the registry. It is very easy to take a backup in all windows system. Just open a run windows from start menu and type in there regedit and press OK. A registry editor will pop and you may click on left hand side of this window where file is mentioned. Now select export the settings registry has saved so far to any permanent folder like C. by doing this you are prohibited in way to do unnecessary or unwanted change to the registry editor. Also you will be safe from any Doctor PC or registry repair program that may also cause system down.
In spite of many possibilities of being a PC damaged by a doctor PC or a registry program yet there are few product available that seem to be doing good. They create a white list of the items that need not to be changed at all and the registry program or doctor PC do not alter them rather pick up only those entries that are malicious and can harm the system or registry entries. As far as convenience is concerned these registry doctors are very helpful and can assist us immensely. They also offer us the backup and restore system in the program so that in any case if any unwanted changes have made they can be undone. This feature keeps us indeed in a safer place.
In my personal experience unlike a disc cleaner or temporary files remover programs a registry or doctor PC is very different and also to design is not an easy task and it needs a great expertise to develop it. If we talk about the basic mechanism of a registry program or a doctor PC it is designed in way so that it can scan the whole registry at one go and can white list the entries that are essential windows entries or components and tempering with them may lead great after effects later. I have used almost all the registry repair products currently avail Good able online and found most of them do not follow the proper guidelines of the Microsoft entries and consequently they may create havoc if we run them on our computer system.

Share: PC Doctor for your PC Check up
By: albertsoft
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