If you are looking to start, or you already own a credit repair business
, than the concept of purchasing credit repair leads has undoubtedly crossed your mind.
The benefit of purchasing credit repair leads for a credit repair business is that the potential customer is motivated to have their credit repaired by a professional such as yourself.
These customers are not playing games. They are not just looking for information. The moment they were directed to a site for credit repair help and filled out the on line form, they committed themselves to seeking the help of a professional and they are waiting on a phone call.
If you are new to the credit repair business, or you are looking to breath a little life into your existing business, than credit repair leads may be the way to go.
If you do some looking around on the internet, you should be able to find a credit repair lead company that sells their leads exclusively and relatively cheap. At least no more than fifteen dollars per lead.
Before you dive into investing with a credit repair lead company, do some research on them. Find out how the company obtains their leads and how they are delivered to you.
Be sure to speak with someone in customer service to get an idea of how their service works, don't rely on their web site alone.
If you are not happy with customer service and the answers to your questions, than it is more than likely that you will not be happy with the leads they send you.