Overcoming Obstacles To Your Weight Loss Plans

Share: Have you made a career out of overcoming obstacles to your weight loss regimen
, or have you simply caved in to them? Were there more problems than inspirational moments that caused you to throw in the towel and quit, only to start from scratch AGAIN the second you realize not even your fat pants fit you anymore? Its time to fortify yourself with willpower and determination because this time, you will do all you can to succeed! Make today a brand new beginning for you and this time, your weight loss plan will work. Below are some suggestions for you to follow to help raise your chances of success.
1.Learn to forgive yourself for your previous diet slip-ups. So you didnt say no to your sweet grandma when she served you her famous chocolate cake (with extra frosting on the side for you!). So you attended too many parties last month, where the buffets were a dime a dozen. So you caved in to all those goodies. Overcoming obstacles such as buffet temptation takes massive willpower, which you cant acquire overnight. Looking back, perhaps you stepped into those gatherings on an empty stomach, which is a no-no for a dieting partygoer. Now you know better than to attend a party half-starved, and how important that is to your weight loss goals.
2.Make an inspirational board or journal. Think of the celebrities you admire the ones who possess fit and healthy bodies, or the ones who lost massive amounts of weight and are now the talk of the town. These people represent success in overcoming obstacles in their pursuit of a healthy weight and a makeover. Make a collage of their photos and interviews and display it where you can see it every day. When you are constantly reminded of how these people succeeded in their weight loss endeavors, you will be pushed into becoming like them. You will develop a mindset that says, Hey, if she can do it, so can I!
3.Accept that weight loss will not happen overnight. It probably took you several months to gain all that weight, so by the same token you can expect to take about the same time to lose all the unwanted pounds. Please dont spend every single morning weighing yourself. Obsessing over the scales results is not part of overcoming obstacles. On the contrary, youd be creating the obstacle yourself by setting up yourself for disappointment each day you see the pointer not budging. Weigh yourself just once a week, and forget about the scale during the other six days.
4.Predict temptations or trigger points and brace yourself for them. As an example: youre invited to a family reunion on Sunday and your aunt, the professional chef, is sure to prepare her famous roast with all the drippings and biscuits and buttered vegetables. Not to mention she announced that she will set up a make-your-own sundae stationand you happen to love ice cream! Before heading off to the reunion, make sure you to eat a light, low-fat meal. If you attend that party feeling partly full, you wont be tempted as much to eat what is served you. Focus on the conversation rather than the food. Get a table far away from the food station so it would be harder for you to get seconds.
5.Overcoming obstacles to weight loss also means saying a firm NO to them. Our loved ones are guilty for being the worst diet saboteurs. Their idea of loving you is by feeding you, and some of them resent it if you turn down their offer. But you cant simply keep saying yes to their fattening goodies just to avoid offending them. You need to start loving yourself first. Start training your loved ones into not constantly bombarding you with yummy but calorie-laden foods by saying no, thank you. Think of ways to politely decline and get them used to it. Pretty soon, theyll get the idea that you are REALLY serious about dieting and respect your caloric boundaries. Who knows, they might learn to offer healthier fare to you someday.
Weight loss is never easy, but if you prepare yourself for it emotionally and mentally you raise your chances at succeeding. Its all about a positive mindset and taking care of yourself. Its not about starving yourself silly. Stick to making wise choices and eventually youll be in the best shape youve always wanted to be.
by: Leah Ryan
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