Over Zealous Insurers Minimise Compensation Claims.
Its late at night
Its late at night. The rain is pounding on the tarmac. Your windscreen wipers are whizzing past you at a blurring speed. You see the smudged outline of a traffic light, beaming red at you. You slow to a stop. You wait. Suddenly you feel a shock, you neck snapping forward and back. You hear the sound of metal against metal.
You have just had a road traffic accident.
But all is not lost! The damage to your car is not as much as expected and youre in one piece. The other driver apologises profusely, claiming he hydroplaned across the tarmac. The two of you exchange details and carry on your separate ways. You have everything you need to make an accident claim.
The next morning you get a knock on the door, and you are greeted by a representative from the insurance company of the other driver and a cheque for your troubles.
Now insurers claim they are being proactive, but is it for your benefit? Most likely not. If you were to accept that cheque as your compensation claim then you would have to sign a form that negated your right to seek further damages.
Indeed most doctors will tell you that the full extent of someones injuries does not normally develop until a few days after the accident has occurred.
So by accepting such an offer you could actually lose out. You could not only lose out on your compensation claim being more, but on possible medical treatment that you might require.
As always it is best to find a solicitor in your area that can give you legal advice. Your solicitor will be able to give you a hand with determining the correct amount needed for your compensation claim as well as dealing with any legal paperwork that may arise.
As the number of reported cases where injured parties accept offers from 3rd party insurers increases, the Motor Accident Solicitors Society and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers seem to want to force the Financial Services Authority to ban or regulate such practice.