Out of the Box Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money Online
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Trying to raise a certain amount of money for a cause is no easy task. Fundraisers have been around for a long time and as such, some of the most common fundraising ideas that groups come up with tend to lose its effectiveness after a while. In this day and age, it is important for people to brainstorm more creative, out of the box fundraiser ideas that will not only keep things new but attract a greater variety of possible donors as well.
Children's Clothing Sale
During these tough economic times, even the most basic necessities can be a financial burden for most families. Children not only constantly outgrow their clothes, they are always in need of new ones. Holding a local children's clothing sale is one of the most effective and beneficial fundraising ideas any group can use. Pick a venue that has plenty of space and be sure to rent out long tables and tents (the latter is only necessary if the event is outdoors). The way this type of clothing sale works is to invite parents to bring their old children's clothes they no longer need-make sure to require that all clothing for sale be in good condition. Charge each seller a specific amount per table, which they can use to set up their merchandise.
The next step is to invite people that are in need of affordable children's clothes. Additional profit can be made by charging a low fee for each shopper ($1-2 per person is ideal) as well as having food/snacks and drinks for sale. Fundraiser ideas that involve providing a much needed service, product or resource to people that need it the most is a great way to give back to the community, while reaching your fundraising goals.
Top Chef BBQ
The best fundraising ideas are those that involve food-who doesn't enjoy a good meal and great company? To celebrate the summer, hold a top chef BBQ cook-off event. Recruit a handful of self-proclaimed BBQ masters in the neighborhood and give them the task of creating their own, unique BBQ recipe. To expand the opportunities, you can also set up a similar competition to see who has the best salad, appetizer and/or dessert. This gives more people an opportunity to show off their cooking skills. Once you have your competitors lined up, pick a venue that is appropriate, such as a park with grills or space where people can set up their equipment or even someone's backyard.
Now spread the word of the fundraiser by selling tickets to the event. You can even charge different fees for individuals that want to purchase a plate of food, which can include a combination of salad, drink, BBQ item and dessert. At the end, have the attendees choose their first, second and third place winners.
Online Donations Page/Website
What better way to putfundraising ideas to the test than by using the Internet? These days, raising money can be as simple as setting up a special blog, page or entire website that is dedicated to the cause you are supporting. There are a variety of blogging platforms, social networking sites and even online companies that provide professional assistance with setting up donation pages on the Internet. Those that are tech/web savvy enough can do this on their own with little to no effort. With basic promotion and gaining exposure through regular posts, updates, email/newsletter blasts and announcements, anyone can donate money by simply clicking on your ad or link.
When it comes to winning online fundraising ideas, it is often best to seek out the most creative methods that will not only cause people to take action and give a donation but encourage them to spread the word to their friends and family as well.
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