Orthodontist Washington DC Learn How to Brush Your Teeth
If you feel like you already have a complete understanding of how to brush your teeth
, there are actually quite a few guidelines that you may need to learn. There are specific techniques that must be used to correctly brush your teeth, which will remove any built-up plaque to keep your breath fresh and protect the health of your teeth for years to come.
It is a good idea to hold your toothbrush sideways so that you can brush your teeth where the bristles will be lightly touching your gums. You can also tilt the toothbrush so that the bristles will be parallel to the gum line, and start moving the brush back and forth in short motions. It is best if the tips of the bristles of your toothbrush stay in one place, and the head of the toothbrush should move back and forth. You can gently move the toothbrush back and forth in circles, which will remove plaque buildup from the teeth. It is best to use this motion for 20 strokes, and it should not cause any type of pain if your gums are healthy. If you start to feel pain or swelling in your gums, begin brushing more gently.
After that, roll your toothbrush so that the bristles move outward toward the edge of the tooth. This removes any plaque accumulation underneath the gums, and it should be done for every tooth in your mouth. On the inside of your front teeth, it may be difficult for you to hold your brush sideways. In this case, you can hold it vertically, but use the circular motions back and forth to remove plaque from the teeth. Make sure to clean the chewing surfaces of all of the teeth with the bristles of the toothbrush held straight down. Continue to brush your toothbrush back and forth to clean all outer surfaces of the teeth, and then progress to the next tooth until you clean all of your teeth.
After you have brush thoroughly, rinse your mouth out with water. You can also conclude by brushing your cheeks and tongue to remove any built-up bacteria to prevent bad breath. After you are done brushing, it is also a good idea to floss to remove a plaque between your teeth. Although the majority of people do not develop the habit of flossing when they are young, it is so important to prevent long-term gum disease when you're older. It is easy to create the habit of flossing within about three weeks, and it is recommended that you start flossing as quickly as possible. You must floss at least once each day, and it is easy to do so after you have finished brushing your teeth. Make sure to give yourself ample time to floss so that you can clean your teeth completely.
You may need to floss a tooth several times with different fresh sections of the floss, so make sure that you have enough string to get the job done.
Orthodontist Washington DC Learn How to Brush Your Teeth
By: Jules Perez
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