Only For Parents A Few Tips to Motivate Your Children
Only For Parents A Few Tips to Motivate Your Children
Parents have to cultivate a winning attitude in their children. They need to tell their children that they can be successful. It is the subconscious mind that needs to know this. There are some principles that derive from mental programming that should be followed in encouraging your child:
1. Provide role models for educational achievement. You, your child and his teachers must not think that working class, African, Hispanic, or poor children cannot succeed in school, they can. There are plenty of people from disadvantaged backgrounds that have achieved in school against the odds. Look for such role models.
2. Make realistic goals. Give confidence to your child to aim for the top ten percent of his or her class in mathematics, not necessarily for the top position.
3. Ignore the problem focus on the solution. Do not for instance say you must not watch Television while doing homework'. Say do your homework in a place free of distractions', and set aside an area where the child can do homework free of the distractions of TV.
4. Repetition. Advertisers know the value of repetition or recurrence. Repeat your mental programming even after the rules seem to have been learned, this will emphasize desirable behaviors and manners.
5. Try to keep it simple. Do not try to accomplish everything at once and keep your instructions and guidance simple. Simple words will be dealt with more swiftly by the subconscious mind.
6. Belief and confidence. Believe in the abilities of your child and yourself and have assurance and faith in them. The human mind is considerably powerful and it has few restrictions. If you have confidence in the ability of your child to accomplish then you will inculcate that confidence in your child also.
7. Hire a tutor only if you feel you must. If you can pay for a tutor then it may be a good thing to hire one. There are some good inexpensive ones on the Internet.
8. Meditate. Learn meditation with your children, it will benefit both you and them. Meditation enhances mental focus and thinking in common.
9. Use brainwave entrainment technology. Brainwave entrainment technology is astonishingly reasonably priced and there is ample university research to show that it works. It is also simple to use.