Online Tutoring Streamlines The Schedule Leading The Better Grades

Share: A new term, a change of schools, a new city, or any kind of change can unsettle a child that can lead to some negative feelings
. Having to make new friends is the biggest hurdle. Besides this, new subjects will entail having to travel to new tutoring sessions. All these changes can be a daunting experience for a school going child. Some are known to have lost appetite and sleep due to anxiety. Online tutoring is a solution that takes away some of the problems and makes life a lot easier for the child.
Parental encouragement is a boon
Online tutoring has flexible timings because the student can select suitable and days and timings for the sessions in consultation with the assigned
Online tutor. A little parental encouragement towards keeping to the schedule goes a long way in ensuring that the child doesnt miss any pre-arranged tutoring sessions. Learning is fun because speakers and multimedia tool are used. A positive attitude towards the innovative teaching methods will make the child more receptive to instruction and will attain better grades in school.
One to One tutoring involves enjoyable learning methods like riddles, games, puzzles, stories, role playing, etc to develop language skills of a student. Hi-tech video games and multimedia techniques are used for teaching analytical subjects like math and science. This makes learning a pleasurable experience so the child is more receptive to studying. Keeping a positive attitude towards the efficacy of this learning method can help the child accept studies as part of life. Other skills like higher retentive power, accuracy, speed, memory and concentration get sharpened with time. The child is encouraged in a subtle manner to get involved in group activities that develop the personality.
Although the
One to One online tutoring sessions have flexible timings, if the parents prepare a time schedule of the other tasks as well, it helps to ensure that a tutoring session is not missed out unintentionally. Also, this helps in ensuring that the child has sufficient time to play and enjoy life without any pressures. Activities like sports or art help to hone the talents of a child and teach people skills at the same time. Networking becomes a part of life and this attribute is a great asset later on in the workplace.
Online tutoring is a win-win situation for a student
The biggest advantage of regular testing is that the child is prepared for tests and exams well before time so they seem less scary. Preparedness wins half the battle. Regular testing and feedbacks have made sure that the childs difficulties have been solved and no part of the syllabus has be left out. A subtle method of testing is undertaken so that the child doesnt feel he is studying or being tested. Everything thing is in the form of games or role play and is the fun part of the days schedule. Online tutoring makes the child a happier person who does not have to deal with day to day stress or exam stress.
by: Anjani Gupta
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