Online Training Said To Be The Answer

Share: Who hasnt felt that there arent enough hours in the day
? From busy mothers running from play date to sporting event to school activities, to business professionals trying to fit one more meeting in their already full schedule, everyone has felt that need for more time just one more hour.
Add conferences about professional development or job development, and the time it takes to schedule and travel to and from, and the task seems insurmountable.
Surveys conducted by Deb Salkeld, project manager of, indicate this problem is prevalent across demographics from young adults trying to get into the job market, to working mothers (both those working as stay at home moms, and those working outside the home), to busy professionals in the real estate industry.
One 34 year old mother of three boys laments the time it takes to try to work 20 hours a week, much less having the time to train. She acknowledges the need for training as her boys reach college age she just doesnt have the time to schedule, travel to and from, and to attend classes in a brick and mortar school.
Another 42 year old businessman working in the real estate business states the need is there, but the resources to date have not been easy to find. Christine Adler, Realtor and founder of spoke about this lack of resources, saying that this is clearly the time to offer real estate online training for real estate professionals and those interested in learning to become an assistant in this field.
A 19 year old respondent states that taking online real estate training fits my schedule, allowing me to take college classes during the day, while learning something that can immediately get me working so I can pay for college. A win-win situation, it seems, for this gentleman.
Christine states In this market today, real estate professionals need to think outside the way things have traditionally been done. Those interested in professional development will simply be more successful than those who do not make that extra effort. Further, she states that in this economy, real estate professionals would be well advised to consider hiring outside of an in-house office staff, hiring virtual assistants instead. In doing so, they are not restricted to the local market in hiring, but can instead choose a well-trained assistant from anywhere in the country.
As the economy continues to struggle, many traditionally employed are now searching for other means of income to layoffs and attrition. Making a small investment in online training will reap benefits far beyond the extra paycheck. The convenience of first taking the courses at the persons convenience, then being able to start their own business from home working as a real estate assistant allows one to learn, grow and succeed.
by: Outbox Webcom
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