Online Shopping Is At The Palm Of Your Hand!

Share: Over the past decade, retailers have seen a significant growth in e-commerce/internet sales due to the many advantages this type of shopping offers
. The Christmas periods have generated the highest peaks, where online shoppers have resorted to convenience, price comparison and other benefits associated with shopping online.
To further promote digital sales some technology-savvy retailers have stepped up their game and incorporated internet-focused outlets as well as Smartphones such as the iPhone as a handy tool for shopping. Smartphone brands have enhanced its software making it easier for shoppers to surf the web, download applications such as price comparison apps, making purchases quite easily from the palms of their hands.
There have been several great case studies where more and more companies are utilising the internet to encourage digital sales.
Debenhams and Tesco are two great brands who are taking the consumers internet shopping experience to the next level:
1. Debenhams: Have installed Internet kiosks into their department stores to help encourage high street shoppers to shop online when they cannot find the product that they want in their stores. This will help extend the shoppers navigation and user experience.
2. Tesco: Has reinvented shopping by getting its consumers to shop through their Smartphone, as with us all living busy lives making a trip to the grocers can at times prove difficult. In Korea, Tesco Home Plus set up virtual grocery stores in locations such as the subway/metro stations so that shoppers could do their shopping via a specially designed QR code (which scans the items) whilst waiting for their train to either get to work or their homes.
With their being multiple paths to purchase from a brands online platform, Internet retailing has forecasted 12% annual growth through 2016. Consumer buying online in the UK will grow from 75% to 85% from 2011 to 2016.
The statistics for the next five years look promising and its fair to say that shoppers are searching for ease of purchase and generally better deals then what they have seen on the high street. With Complete Savings, shoppers can benefit from continuous lower prices.
The key benefits of the Complete Savings scheme: -
10% cash back at hundreds of top online retailers throughout the year
An initial 15 cash back voucher towards the next purchase at the client site the member joined through
An on-going monthly benefit of 10 cash back following subsequent purchases at the same site
Access to Savings Key, a unique software package, which once downloaded recognises if retailers are a part of the programme and identifies the discounts automatically for the member
A 30 day free programme trial and only a 10 per month on-going membership fee
A dedicated Customer Service Centre with UK based representatives
If you would like to learn more about the scheme please do not hesitate to contact us at our customer service portal:
by: Sarah Simmie
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