Online Shopping In India

Share: Online Shopping in India is evolving fast and has the potential to grow exponentially
, with the internet penetration growing far and wide. The primary hiccups that online shopping faced like poor online shopping experience and skepticism surrounding security aspects of e-commerce, have been taken care of. The Indian buyers mindset is changing and its changing fast.
The traditional Indian mindset about shopping is conservative. Consumers want to touch and feel the product before buying it, and also make sure that they get the best bargain, the best deal. But with modernization and the ultra fast pace of life today, the scene has changed. The constraint of time is one of the big reasons of the increasing dependencies on Online Shopping just click and buy! Sending a friend a gift, all packed and delivered at his door steps from the comfort of your living room is just too hard to resist. It is needless to say that Online Shopping has been revolutionized by the presence of a large number of Online Shopping Store / Portals in India that offer wide variety of products. And it doesnt stop with variety, today there are online shopping portals that offer discounted rates, free shipping all over India and even a fair return policy.
Today consumers are looking for real good deals and they cannot be fooled. If the Online Shop retails are able to provide value, quality, after sale support, timely delivery and reasonable deals people are willing to invest. Books and Gadgets being at the top of online sales in India, We know for sure that people are not only warming up to online shopping, but embracing it with both arms.
So no surprise that the online retail in India has seen a 30% increase year on year from the last few years. With India poised to have third largest net users by 2013, the growing economy and worsening traffic conditions; we certainly would have more online purchasers in India.
by: Gagan
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