Online Shopping: Benefit or Burden?

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Online Shopping: Benefit or Burden?
Although online shopping has its perks and advantages, it also has its downside. While others may contest that shopping online is the best way to do shopping, still, nothing beats the old conventional way of shopping. Try to keep on reading and learn what disadvantages online shopping have to offer.
You do not actually SEE the items

Share: When you shop online, you do not actually get to SEE what you are buying; at least physically. You cannot touch, feel, inspect and actually try them on. As compared to shopping in malls, you get to do all of the above. Also, you do not get to talk to the saleslady if you have some questions you need to ask. It is quite important to seek their help if you have second thoughts on the item you are to buy.
The waiting time may take a while for the item to arrive
For those who do not have a lot of patience, online shopping is not for you. You actually have to wait for a couple of days before the item is delivered to you. Sometimes, that is what frustrates buyers. They are so excited in having the item they purchased and the longer it takes, the more frustrated they become. As compared to real time shopping, you get to bring home your purchase as soon as you pay for it.
There may be OTHER hidden charges
There are charges or fees that are added when you shop online and you may not be aware of it. Also, there is a shipping fee which you need to pay in order for your item to be delivered. The fee varies depending from the location to where the item will be delivered.
Others are discouraged when they see the amount the online shop is charging in the delivery. And also, as mentioned, there may be other hidden charges that you need to be aware of.
It does not have quite the feel as compared to real shopping
If you are an outgoing person who likes to go out with friends and likes to mingle around, I am sure that shopping online is not for you. There are no friends to talk to or ask second opinions; no small talks with your closest friend. It is the most boring shopping experience you will get to encounter. Also, it will make you feel left alone and might think yourself as a loner.
You need to know how to use a computer
Though this maybe the least worry people nowadays have to endure, there are still some folks out there who do not know how to properly use the modern day computer. Also, not everyone has access to a desktop especially in depressed areas.
Having read the above article, this will help you decide whether you choose to shop online or do your shopping the old-fashion way. This just explains what the disadvantages shopping online have but it does not necessarily tell you that you should not try it. Who knows, it may work for you.
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