Online It Training, Telephonic Interview

Share: I cant stress enough on the importance of telephonic interviews in the current job scenario
. Before we delve into the details telephonic interview, Id like to share my personal experience. After reading about my real life experience youll be able to appreciate the essence of this article better.
In 2004 I had just retired (at the age of 60 years) from the Government service and was working part time for a private computer training organization. I was asked by the Director to shortlist about ten candidates for personal interview. The organization wanted to hire two service engineers. The positions had been advertised and there were more than 100 applications.
When I went through the applications I could not think of any rational method to shortlist further without a personal interview. The Director asked me to conduct telephonic interviews to know more about the candidates.
After conducting PI for nine shortlisted candidates, two were selected. Two more were on the waiting list.
After eight months the Director decided to recruit one more service engineer. So I telephoned all the remaining candidates and shortlisted seven for PI. During the personal interview we found that at least two of the candidates, who had been eliminated earlier on the basis of my telephone calls, were far better than the two who had been selected. The Director decided to recruit both of them though there was immediate need for only one.
The Director was annoyed with me for having rejected the two good candidates in the earlier selection process. Only then I realized that earlier I had conducted telephonic interviews without having enough knowledge of it and that I had not done my home work properly.
I am sure that, just like me, many recruiters must be taking telephonic interviews without adequate preparation on their own part and thus losing out on talented candidates.
How to conduct telephonic interview:
Here are some tips to conduct an effective telephonic interview.
1) Have the resume of the applicant in front of you. If the applicant has shared samples of his/her works, be sure of evaluating them in advance and noting down your observations and questions.
2) Make it a point to call the applicant at the scheduled time. Remember to include any other people relevant to the recruitment process. Have your questions, pen and paper ready.
3) Ask relevant questions about the applicants skill base, their work history, their future plans, personal situation, their knowledge about your company and any other leading questions.
4) Try to access the applicants skills and work experience through systematic questioning. Check if they are able to explain how their skills will convert to and improve your business.
5) Its important to assess how serious the applicant is about the position he applied for. Based on this, you can judge whether to take the hiring process to the next step.
6) And finally, if the candidate is worth his while, arrange a time for a follow-up interview.
How to face telephonic interview:
Adequate preparation is much more important on the part of the candidate as otherwise he may lose the chance of getting a good job which he really deserves.
Make sure that you are available with your phone at the appointed time for the interview. Avoid rescheduling the interview as far as possible.
Doing some primary research about the hiring company will help you face the interview confidently. Browse through the information a number of times before the interview.
When answering the phone call for interview
1.Keep your resume ready with you. Make sure that it is the same resume you sent to the interviewer.
2.Take due care that you are free from all possible distractions and noises.
3.Make sure that the voices are clear. In case of difficulty in hearing, inform the caller accordingly and hang up after seeking permission to call back.
4.Up on receiving the call greet the caller as you would greet him in person.
5.Disclose your identity immediately.
6.Avoid making lengthy statements from your side. Be brief but not so brief as to answer in monosyllables.
7.Listen carefully to what the interviewer has to say. Do not interrupt. Wait for the interviewer to finish before giving your reply.
8.If you do not understand the question, request the interviewer to repeat the question. Paraphrase the question to ascertain you understood him correctly.
9.At the end of the call, thank the interviewer and bid a proper good bye.
Point to remember
If the interviewer doesnt get back to you as promised, send a polite email as an immediate follow up.
by: ckondapally
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