Online Bank Account 2nd Chance Checking - 3 Options
Online Bank Account 2nd Chance Checking - 3 Options
One of the advantages of having a checking account these days is that it gives you the ability to conduct your banking online. Online banking is one of the great modern conveniences brought about by innovations made in the area of Internet security.
Needless to say, if you have recently been rejected for a new checking account, your days of doing online banking may feel far off. After all, having been rejected more than once or twice for a new account can make it hard to muster up the desire to try again.
By the way, you have likely been rejected for a new online bank account due to something called Chex Systems. This is a database that banks use to share information with each other about potentially-risky customers. Once your name is in there, it's hard to get it removed.
Fortunately, there is something called 2nd chance checking. This is just what it sounds like: a way for you to have another chance at getting that checking account you always wanted - the one with the online banking. These banks promise to never refer to Chex Systems when reviewing your application.
Want to open an online bank account with 2nd chance checking? Here are 3 options for finding a second chance checking bank:
1. Ask a friend: If you have any friends who you know needed to find a 2nd chance checking bank, ask them where they now bank.
2. Check the newspaper: The weekly paper often has ads for 2nd chance banking banks.
3. Look online: Look online to find a list of 2nd chance banks and apply to the one you like best.