Omega 3 and Cancer Prevention – Discover How It Helps and How To Find The Best Source
Omega 3 and Cancer Prevention Discover How It Helps and How To Find The Best Source
Many recent studies show the link between omega 3 and cancer prevention, especially prostate, breast and colon cancers. Find out more about the benefits of omega 3 including the best source to keep you in the best of health.
A study by the University of Washington and the University of California showed that taking regular omega 3 supplements could cut the risk of breast cancer by a third.
It seems that the ability to significantly reduce inflammation is the key to omega 3's success against cancer and being able to maintain healthy cells.
The two main omega 3 fats are DHA and EPA and it is DHA that provides most of the anti-inflammatory properties.
More research is needed but the initial results are extremely promising. In another study from Egypt, it was found that the DHA fats were able to kill the cancer cells as well as enhancing the effects of a chemotherapy drug.
Other major health benefits, apart from the omega 3 and cancer prevention ones include: improved cardiovascular health, balanced cholesterol, better brain health and mental well-being and anti aging properties for the skin.
The best source of these omega 3 fats is fatty fish oil. However, as fish today carry numerous toxins, the best way to get the maximum protection from cancer and to enjoy the other benefits is to take a daily fish oil supplement.
This way, you can control the amount and purity of what you take and ensure that you get enough of the essential DHA fats.
It is recommended that you get at least 500mg of DHA a day. The best fish oil capsules contain 280mg in each 1000mg and about half that amount of EPA, which is the best ratio to have.
Check the labels carefully as the majority of oils contain very little DHA and too much EPA. The website or label should provide you with all the information you need.
Using a distilled oil also ensures you get the maximum benefits as all the harmful toxins are removed and the oil is further concentrated in omega 3 fats. The best species to use are tuna and hoki and when combined they can provide 250% more anti-inflammatory benefits than any other oil.
Now you know about the connection between omega 3 and cancer, how they can help with this disease and many other conditions, and how to select the best ones to protect your present and future well-being.
If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.
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Omega 3 and Cancer Prevention – Discover How It Helps and How To Find The Best Source