Occidental Hotels And Resorts Reservations - Where Travellers Post Experiences With Hotels
In an unprecedented event Occidental Hotels and Allegro Resorts
, an all inclusive resorts group, has filed a federal lawsuit against one of its former guests for posting the facts about a dismal stay at one of their resorts in an online website. The Hotel group based in Spain has no offices in the United States and operates in several countries but claims no U.S presence therefore American guests who suffer indignities, injuries, and several deaths, have difficulty with legal remedies.
One such guest who had a dismal stay at the Occidental Xcaret in Mexico after Hotel management made it clear they could care less about their guests comfort and satisfaction constructed a website that former guests could post their bad experiences online. Carter Hargrave a resident of Oklahoma who now owns the website occidentalhotels dedicated to informing people of the poor treatment he and his wife received as well as the un believable treatment the family of a little boy who died at the same resorts swimming pool after being sucked into a huge uncovered drain pipe (Note Photo).
"The death of Brent Midlock at Occidental was the last straw and I knew I had to have a public forum. That little boy was down in that pool for 16 hours before they pulled him up, and then Occidental Hotels would not even help the family get his body home; The family had to actually pay three thousand dollars before his body would be released and it just gets worse from there", said Hargrave.
"There are a couple of bright sides in this sad experience; one they keep loosing every legal battle. First was for the domain name and they lost. Second they filed a frivolous lawsuit in Illinois when they had no office, business, or jurisdiction there, claiming trademark infringement when their trademark had been cancelled years ago by the United States Patent and Trademark Office."
They are just a nightmare of a company to attack a former guest with lawsuits for exercising the American First Amendment free speech rights. Whats next, going after negative posts on trip advisor?
As of this date the lawsuit filed in Illinois has been dismissed by the judge for lack of jurisdiction and will be transferred to the former guests home state.
When traveling to a foreign resort such as Occidental and Allegro, or any of them really, just do your homework for you and your family's safety. Its clear with some of these companies you are on your own if something goes wrong.
by: Anthony Ethan
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Occidental Hotels And Resorts Reservations - Where Travellers Post Experiences With Hotels Atlanta