Obtaining Affordable High Risk Car Insurance

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You know them. We have all seem them. That individual who simply has a name for being a terrible driver. No matter how much others may try to help them, it is like they were born with this terrible driving glitch that they just cannot overcome. Others seem to just have the worst luck when it comes to vehicles. Someone hits them, they hit someone, and fender benders just seem to follow them. So how can this person with poor driving record obtain high risk car insurance that is affordable?
Many will try to keep an eye out for auto insurance companies offering great coverage and low premiums and make the switch regularly as one company promises to beat their current policy. This is great for those who can do it, but a high risk driver is not one of those people.
If you have multiple speeding tickets, accidents on your record, or any other convictions, your insurance company will likely penalize you. Rates will skyrocket and you will find yourself wondering how you will be able to afford such high premiums.
But fortunately, you have options. Start by knowing exactly where you are. Check your own DMV record, pay all pending fines, and do your best to clear your history as much as possible.
It is a good idea to consider switching to a vehicle that is of lower value than your current one. This will lower your premiums while you are attempting to rebuild your record. Also get a car that has automatic seat belts and airbags installed. This will look good to an insurance company, especially on someone with a poor record.
There are many companies that will be willing to drop your premiums if you will take safe driving classes. This will require a little time and effort, but it could prove worth your while. Check with your insurance company to see if they will honor this.
Go online and compare multiple insurance companies on quote sites. This will help you get a getter idea of where you could obtain more affordable rates. Find some companies that appear promising, and call them up. Explain what you need, and bargain a little. They may just give you what you are looking for. Make sure you know what you are getting and read the policy carefully before you sign up. While you need insurance you can afford, you still need a good coverage policy.
by: Lance Thorington
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