Obesity in School Children – A Global Problem!
Obesity in School Children A Global Problem!
Obesity in school children is a problem, a global problem of epidemic proportions
Look at these facts;
a. Over 14 years between 1980 and 1994 the percentage of overweight children increased from 14% to 24% and growing.
b. Obesity in school children is prevalent among more well-off families.
c. High levels of cholesterol can bring on the possibility of several types of cancer, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes also osteoarthritis.
d. In fact studies show that 70% of obese youth have at least one risk factor for heart disease.
e. It is a well documented fact that 70% of overweight children will become overweight adults aggravating the above mentioned health risks.
f. Studies from 2002 showed 16% of children were overweight or obese and an additional 15% were "at risk"
What is main culprit for obesity in school children?
Excessive snacking and lack of exercise.
Who is to blame?
Ignorant parents, Fat parents? Parents whose own lifestyles of obesity are very bad examples for their children.
Schoolsdo you learn about the best nutritional habits? Are school meals healthy? Can you snacks and soft drinks from a school vending machine? Is physical education strictly applied?
Fast Food Outletsare they easily accessible to school children? The most profitable are likely to be near the school with their super sized high fat snacks and soft drinks?
Our modern laidback lifestyle... children are less active and watch too much TV, play too many Video games or surf the internet 24/7..
Most likely the blame for obesity in school children can be shared between all of the above..
Today's Parent has a tough life juggling homecare, work and commuting. While not necessarily to blame for their child's obesity they Must Take Responsibility.
The fact of the matter is that obesity in school children must be considered a world-wide crisis. The affluent parent who we would expect to know how to look after their children's health are often the main culprits here.
We must all strive to reverse the trend of obesity in school children. Parents must take the lead and take an active interest in their obese, overweight child's health and future, otherwise, sadly there may not be a future for them!
Is the answer DISCIPLINEold fashioned, but very relevant DISCIPLINE?
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