Global positioning system (GPS), are the devices which helps us in locating the exact geographical location where we are using the same. The information of type such as location, road name and altitude etc can be found very easily. In category of such devices Magellan portable GPS has to offer wide range of features such as bird eye view which may be a photograph taken by a satellite or an airplane.
This device also facilitates the night mode option which allows the user to operate the magellan portable GPS at night or in dim light as well. The accuracy of information provided by the instrument is far apart from other existing technologies; you can virtually locate anything within three meters of your actual position. It guides you via screen and speech instructions regarding directions to follow to reach the target location.
You can also synchronize this device with your mobile phone via Bluetooth. This allows you to share various types of data such as traffic details, road maps etc with other users. Some models of this device have facility by which you can give command by speaking and also navigate around different screens. This device supports many world languages thus making it a handy tool for everyone. You not only get information about popular destinations but also get access to hundreds of offers and schemes.
Software used in this device is very interactive and user friendly which provides step by step instructions whenever needed. This device has touch screen feature and supports variety of colors and fonts. Moreover, the instrument is has high resolution and thus can support rich graphics interface. You can also control the contrast and brightness by controls present on the device. At last it is suggested to go through exhaustive user manual which is provided with magellan portable GPS having details of each and every feature for best results before instruction, required to use the device.