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Newt Breeding In A Proper Vivarium

Newt Breeding In A Proper Vivarium

Building a vivarium for a bevy of newts that you might be planning on breeding is an endeavor that must be planned out in advance

. These are a peculiar species by the standards of the average hamster or other common pet people keep in tanks and care must be taken to simulate the conditions they would experience in their natural habitat (southern China).

The first thing you will need is a tank large enough to provide them with ample space to move around, as they tend to be quite a bit longer than a small hamster. Because they newts will be reluctant to breed inside of you vivarium (because it isnt the wild), you need to get a large enough tank to make them feel comfortable, and fill it up with items like cave-like hiding spot, lukewarm-cool water and ponds, a humid land mass, plants and foliage, etc. After all, they will be stuck in a limited region each all day, for the totality of their lives which can be as long as a human raising a newborn to full adulthood and college!

A tank size of at least twenty gallons will do as the base for your vivarium. Preferably, you might go a bit larger than this, because they like their space, and you are putting one male and one female newt in together right? You can opt for live plants or plastic plants; the main benefit is the shade and greenness they provide; after all, the activated charcoal you will lay on top of the substrate and below the soil will act to grab nutrients from the air and make sure your newts have what they need inside their vivarium home.

A quick note: newts of all kinds- from paddle tails to fire salamanders are actually a wee bit poisonous; their skin secretes the stuff. However, since humans arent their natural enemies, this poison hasnt evolved to be especially armful to us in fact, its quite harmless. Nonetheless, you should always wash your hands with soap after physically handling your newts, and before touching your face or touching food. The poison is so mild even your baby kitten can stand brushing u against the salamander but please dont force them to play together!Newt Breeding In A Proper Vivarium

If you have set your vivarium up well, with a hood top for external air, at least two hiding places for the male and female newts, two drinking bowls (one should suffice actually; but two could make them happier), small pebbles and rocks that were pre-cleaned by you so as to kill any preexisting microorganisms, and a once-weekly diet of crickets or worms, all you have to do is sit back and wait.

If they breed, you should remove the tadpoles from the vivarium newts dont seem to mind cannibalizing their young when placed in such a limited environment. Indeed; they may nibble on each other if one adult is larger than the other. You have now bred some newts, and can sell them as your own little pet store, or set up little vivariums all over your house. Good job.

by: Alexander West
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Newt Breeding In A Proper Vivarium Vairano Patenora