Newport Beach Chiropractor - Find A Chiropractor In Newport Beach

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When selecting a chiropractor, take time to find a DC who:

Share: - Is recommended by your physician, other health care professionals or friends.
- Has experience treating your specific condition or symptoms.
- Is board certified if you need specialized care in areas such as such as chiropractic neurology, chiropractic rehabilitation, chiropractic orthopedics or chiropractic pediatrics. Board certification indicates the DC has completed studies and testing beyond those required to be a Doctor of Chiropractic.
- Is willing to work with your other physicians as part of your medical team.
- Uses diagnostic tools such as x-rays, ultrasound and paraspinal digital
infrared imaging.
- Offers holistic, preventive care and counsel.
- Will provide an initial consultation free-of-charge.
- Doesnt claim that chiropractic treatment will cure an alphabet soup of
medical conditions.
You also can get names of Doctors of Chiropractics in your area from the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) web site at or by calling, toll-free (800) 986-4636. You also can contact your states chiropractic association. State contact information is posted at the ACA web site.
Answering your questions about chiropractic adjustment
QWhat is chiropractic adjustment?
AChiropractic adjustment, also called spinal manipulation, is a procedure used by DCs to correct misalignments of the vertebrae of your spine. Untreated, these misalignments can interfere with neurological communication between your brain, tissues and organs.
QWhat happens when you have a chiropractic adjustment?
AAfter identifying your condition via examination and testing, and determining that spinal adjustment is the best treatment for you, your DC will position your body so that only the affected area is isolated. Next, your DC will manipulate the joint, freeing it from its stuck position. In restoring the joints natural movement, inflammation and pain are reduced and your tissues begin to heal.
QIs it true that theres a popping sound during an adjustment?
AYes, this harmless popping sound occurs when gas bubbles in the fluid surrounding the joint are released during the procedure. Have you ever cracked your knuckles? Its the same thing.
QDoes this procedure hurt?
ASome people are squeamish about spinal manipulation if they arent familiar with the procedure. When conducted by a licensed DC, however, spinal manipulation is effective in reducing muscle and joint pain. Only rarely does chiropractic adjustment cause mild discomfort that typically goes away in a day or two.
You should not have chiropractic adjustment if you have:
- a fracture
- cancer of the bone or bone marrow
- severe spinal osteoporosis
- tuberculosis of the spine
- a disease of the spinal cord
- severe arthritis
- an infection in your bone or joint
- acute gout
- compression of your spinal cord or cauda equina (nerve
roots at the end of your spine)
- uncontrolled diabetic neuropathy
- a bleeding disorder
- pain down your leg or arm with increasing weakness,
difficulty walking and bowel or bladder control problems
Prior to treatment, your DC will take a detailed medical history. Its important to give thorough answers, even if youre not sure a health condition has any bearing on your chiropractic therapy. This will enable your DC to rule out treatments that arent appropriate for you.
Common Symptoms
throbbing, dull or sharp pain, pain that persists, auras (sensations such as light or warmth that often precede migraines), restricted neck motion, light sensitivity
herniated disk
symptoms differ per the location of the affected disk but may include lower back pain, pain in one leg, numbness in the back, chest arm or leg, muscle spasms
joint pain
pain, stiffness, sensation of warmth, swelling, tenderness
pinched nerve
sharp pain, numbness, tingling sensation, muscle weakness
sharp pain that travels from your buttocks to your leg
widespread pain lasting longer than three months, fatigue in muscles and tendons, a number of tender spots on the body, morning stiffness, short-term memory loss, headache, insomnia
spine curves to one side, difference in height of shoulders or hip, head not centered over torso, teens and adults may have pain
carpal tunnel syndrome

Share: tingling, burning sensation, pain or numbness in fingers, palm of the hand, wrist or forearm, finger stiffness in the morning, weak grasp
Get the free guide for tips on finding the best chiropractor in Newport Beach at
http://www.BestNewportBeachChiropractor.comby: Tony Segerstrom
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