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New York Birth Injury Lawyer

New York Birth Injury Lawyer

New York Birth Injury Lawyer

New York Birth Injury Lawyer

When you or your child has suffered injuries during delivery, it is within your right to seek for fair settlement compensation. Birth injuries such as cerebral palsy, paralysis, skin abrasions, oxygen deprivation and bone fracture are more often as a result of medical malpractice by the doctor in charge or healthcare facility you are admitted to. Before sustaining any of the injuries, there must have been signs of distress from the mother or child that were not adequately attended to on time by the medical personnel in charge. As such, New York birth injury lawyer will assist you to pursue justice to its full extent.

There are injuries such as skin abrasion and one fracture which may heal with time, but injuries such as brain damage, cerebral palsy and paralysis are permanent. A child born with cerebral palsy or brain damage will not get the opportunity to lead a normal life as other children. As a parent you will have to let go of some of your responsibilities in order to attend to your child. In addition, you will have to bleed financially as caring for a patient with brain damage or cerebral palsy costs a lot of money. In as much as the amount awarded may not give back life to the child, it will go a long way in ensuring he/ she is well taken care of and that justice is served to the person responsible.

Fortunately, most of New York birth injury lawyer are experienced and skilled. Having represented several persons with birth injuries over the years and attended many seminars around the city and the country, the experience and skills gained cannot be rivalled. In addition, having interacted with many families with birth injury cases, doctors and social workers, they are able to empathize with your situation and take it upon them to see that justice is served. In as much as the amount awarded may not give back life to the child, it will go a long way in ensuring he/ she is well taken care of and that justice is served to the person responsible.
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New York Birth Injury Lawyer