New! Online Financial Fitness Workshops
New! Online Financial Fitness Workshops
New! Online Financial Fitness Workshops
Make Your Money Count now offers online financial fitness workshops for your convenience. Our 8-session online financial fitness workshop is designed to provide fun, fellowship and the opportunity to share your experience, strength, and hope with others on your journey to financial fitness.
Each session integrates biblical principles and honest dialogue with a practical financial life planning process. No matter where you are on the economic scale, our goal is to help you build financial, emotional, and spiritual muscle!
"The Blueprint for Financial Success", guides participants throughthe ABCs of managing money with purpose and contentment.
Make Your Money Count promotes personal empowerment, responsibility, and a holistic approach to financial fitness. Private consultation and personal coaching are available upon request.
Here's What's Covered in Our Online Curriculum
Session 1 Your Heart's Desire: A lifestyle of consumerism and "looking good" comes with an enormous price-tag but in the end it will leave you longing for something more.
Session 2 First Memories about Money: Your financial assumptions and expectations are shaped by early life experiences. Transform your financial future as you break free from your past.
Session 3 Powered by Purpose: When you clarify your higher purpose, you discover a higher power that enables you to manage your money with true purpose and contentment.
Session 4 The Blueprint for Financial Success: This practical tool is designed to connect your resources with your life goals so that youMake Your Money Count every step of the way.
Session 5 Putting it All Together: A comprehensive financial plan includes everything from insurance to estate planning the key to an effective plan is continuing to take thenext step.
Session 6 Small Steps, Big Payoffs: Financial discipline means doing the small things that are in easy reach. Soon, you are empowered to achieve big goals that once seemed impossible.
Session 7 Tipping Points: Money is tangible but managing it involves spiritual, emotional, and relational obstacles. Before moving forward, it helps to identify the obstacles in your path.
Session 8 Pay it Forward: By practicing these principles in your own life, you leave a legacy of hope, humility, responsibility, integrity, courage, and contentment for the people you love.
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