New Discoveries Aid Stroke Treatment
New discoveries are on the rise as biologists
, professors, and scientists venture into the heart--or rather, nerve--of the matter to find a better way of treating stroke patients.
Reverse engineering has always been a beneficial approach to finding a cure to almost anything. In the I.T. industry, this is how programmers hack into systems, create better applications, find solutions to computer problems, or simply infest malicious software like viruses and worms.
Scientists have used this age-old approach in finding antidotes to deadly viruses. Now, it is being applied to augment stroke therapy. Breakthroughs in understanding the nervous system's capacity to adapt to change are on the rise making it an exciting time in stroke rehabilitation.
Neurologists from the UC Irvine Medical Center have just completed a research on how to restore damaged brain cells by reversing the symptoms of a stroke. The neurologists discovered a growth factor that triggers the growth of neural stem cells & applied this to 15 stroke patients who turned out to escape disability even after three months of the test. This study is under various phase of safe testing and the 15 stroke patients have undergone Phase IIa. There is still many years of clinical development to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this route to a novel therapy
Called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), this growth factor acts on acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system that's vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking. It encourages the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses and plays an important role in normal neural development.
NeuroAiD, a natural medicine, has been proven to stimulate neurons in a similar fashion by triggering the natural secretion of BDNF. This is why another group of scientists further explored how to expedite or increase BDNF functionality in the body with NeuroAiD, a well-known medication used for post-stroke recovery. Results of their study showed that NeuroAid promotes cell proliferation and induces neurogenesis in human cells, which in turn prevents neuronal death.
Many patients use NeuroAiD stroke treatment which is already available in a number of countries and has completed a number of trials on post stroke recovery.
These breakthroughs opens endless possibilities for stroke recovery. It evidently shows the brain's unique potential to regenerate naturally. Like the change of seasons where the parched lands of summer are rejuvenated by the rainy seasons, we just have to learn to tap into the natural flow of life to make lives better, especially for stroke patients.
by: Cheow Yu Yuan
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