Never Leave Home Before Purchasing Travel Insurance

Share: Envision breaking both arms while falling off the precipice of a mountain in a secluded area
. This would be an even worse problem if it happened in a third world country where you were vacationing.
Travel insurance may have been the last thing on your mind until your fall.
The trip to an emergency room could in itself be an endless journey to some obscure backwoods location.
After you've finally reached a place where you could get medical attention, you'd need to pay someone to get you unfamiliar foods, and drugs from whatever local kiosks you can find. In third world countries, it's often common that the hospitals do not supply either of them.

Share: If your injury required an operation, it would be a huge leap of faith to trust that sterile procedures were used or that the anesthesia would be sufficient.
You may end up staggering out of the hospital with your limbs taped from top to bottom and a $100.00 charge. You would leave the country to get home on the next available flight you can negotiate.
Private insurance, under these circumstances, may cover up to four operations and six months of physical therapy.
This additional treatment and therapy would have to be paid for privately without insurance. The trouble is that a lot of travelers don't think it's important to have travel insurance, but the more remote or exotic the destination, the more it's needed.
There are travel agents and health insurers who offer travel insurance, which may or may not offer trip cancellation coverage in conjunction with medical care.
Typically, your rates will be set for every 100 dollars worth of coverage, though these numbers vary.
The majority of vacationers that purchase these policies are concerned that because of their advanced age they will either be forced to renege on the trip, or require medical attention in a foreign country.
Medicare does not offer coverage for medical care while overseas. The major health insurance provider for the elderly is Medicare.
Tourists are generally required to pay hospitals by credit card, traveler's check, or in cash. If you only need a few stitches, this method of payment is probably not a problem.
On the other hand, if you are in need of an emergency room, having travelers health care insurance could save you a lot of trouble.
Reimbursement from a travel insurance provider covers the cancellation of a trip due to death or illness.
This coverage pertains to situations for yourself or that of a close relative. It also provides coverage if the airline or tour group you booked with should go bankrupt.
However, when traveling abroad, there are other health care considerations to handle before traveling, other than obtaining travel insurance.
Some exotic destinations will require certain vaccinations to protect you, which can be obtained at your neighborhood hospital or travel clinic. It would be smart to ask your medical insurance company for the proper procedure to obtain medical treatment at your vacation destination.
As you are packing, consider bringing a thermometer, an antibacterial ointment, and a first aid kit what includes bandages.
Think about how much medicine you'll need, and then pack extra. Having prescription information in Latin, including generic names, is a good idea, as well.
Certain credit cards will provide protection for you while traveling, even if you have not purchased travel insurance.
Typically, American Express issues a standard protection allowance to everyone who travels on their card, with assistance for car trouble, lost suitcases or valuables, or even major injuries.
Card holders can also get coverage for medical expenses, missing a flight, emergency evacuations and other circumstances for an additional fee.
The trauma and recovery time from many unexpected events can be minimized by good planning. Insurance is a contract; make sure you read the fine print and understand what is and isn't covered. Travel insurance is there to protect but make sure details are checked.
by: John Chambers
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