Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Controversial Way to Treatment
Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Controversial Way to Treatment
Neuro Linguistic Programming whose founding credit goes to Richard Bandler and John Binder, one psychotherapist and the other a linguist, came into being in early 1970s. According to the claims of its founders who first got the feeling that this method of treatment can become a useful tool for psychotherapists in future, Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP has the ability to help psychologists in their problems of dealing with their phobic and depressed patients or clients. However in opinion of its critics, this method is not respectable scientifically. They say that NLP has lack of experimental and observational research, and hence it cannot be legitimized as a branch of Neuro science or psychology.
Mostly it is considered as a method, which is dealing with practical matters. It does not look for what should work. It looks for what works. While largely dealing with practical matters most of its use has happened in organization to build up teams and decrease misunderstandings. Its tools are quickly deployable but still its impacts on psychological books are not considerable. Even in psychotherapy and counseling, where psychotherapists go in conversation with their clients to help them out of their problems and overcame their fears, phobias, etc., it has not succeeded in building up a solid and effective impact. With a common thinking going in Neuro-linguistic Programming that we, the humans, do not pay much attention to what goes in our minds, it may seem that NLP might have had created a large and long lasting impact among psychotherapists and hypnotherapists but its influence among these two different schools of thought is just limited to this boundary that they only say that they are practicing it along with other and different in nature ways of treatment for their clients.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming ways of treatment have been largely ignored because NLP has some serious and professionally credible issues. It has failed in providing evidences to strengthen its models with new evidences. Therefore it is considered as a controversial approach towards psychotherapy. A way of psychotherapy which educates people about self-awareness techniques to change their mental and social behaviors with respect to the situations in which they enter.
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