Need Auto Body Repair, Toronto Area Residents? You May Be Able To Do It Yourself

Share: . However, there are always people in any link of work who are incompetent or not-so-professional. Besides, how do you know that you actually need to lay out the money for a professional to do your auto body repair? Toronto residents, just as residents elsewhere do, sometimes find that they can do their own auto body repair work. Even if you are going to take your car to a professional, how do you know what might need to be done, so that you dont end up getting taken for a ride (pun intended) and spending more money than you need to?
![Uni-Body Collision Ltd .]()

What these questions and concerns come down to for you is this: having some basic knowledge of how to repair your own car may save you a lot of money, not just because you may save on not needing to pay the pros, but also because if you conclude that you do need to take your car to the shop you wont over-spend.
![Uni-Body Collision Ltd]()
Share: Chips from Flying Stones; Scrapes; and Scratches
Many a times, these problems lend themselves to your doing your own auto body repair work. Stone-chips, scratches, and scrapes can typically be repaired with the proper application of the proper auto body paint. You can go to a Toronto area auto body shop to buy the right paint, but when the polite fellow (or gal) asks to do the work for you, politely turn down the offer and instead say that you just want to buy the auto body paint. The mechanic will need access to your cars interior to get the right information (paint codes) to sell you the right paint; thats not a scam, thats a necessity. These paint codes are likely found inside your door jamb or your glove box, or in your owners manual (never lose your cars owners manual).
Once you have bought the right paint, you will take it back to your home and also get together these items:
fine grit sandpaper
sudsy water in a bucket (for the soap, degreasing dish detergent is fine)
buff and wax cloths
water in a squirt bottle
rubbing compound
Turtle wax or something similar
Then, proceed like this:
Wash the damaged area in question thoroughly with your sudsy water, and be sure to get out dirt, dead insects, etc.
Wet your sandpaper, then sand the edges of the damaged area. Dont let your sandpaper become dry while doing this work.
Dry the area thoroughly with a cloth, and let it then sit for a minimum of ten minutes.
Following the instructions on the container, prepare your auto body paint. (You probably just need to shake it up.)
Apply a light coat of paint to the damaged area, then let it sit. Apply as many coats as necessary to make the damaged area disappear. Once done, let your car sit overnight, sheltered from any rain or snow.
The next day, buff and wax the area to protect your paint work.
Dents are common for car drivers to get in their automotive bodies, of course. Often these can be self-repaired. Dents can be DIY repaired using body filler or Bondo. Dont worry about the dangers that you may have heard about; todays body fillers are safe plastic resins specially designed for adhering to auto body metals and being easily sanded down. They are strong and lasting, too.
You can look up the correct way to apply body filler, but to be prepared here are the materials you will need to do this work:
automotive primer
body filler (with hardener, usually included)
flexible plastic spreader
rigid plastic spreader
spot and glazing putty
sandpaper (150 grit, 220 grit, 400 grit wet/dry)

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Share:You will need to have plenty of time set aside to do dent repair work, incidentally. You will only make your problem worse if you rush this work, and then you may be forced to take your car to the professionals.
So, for more serious auto body repair work, you will need to take your car to a Toronto area professional auto body shop. But dont let anyone try to get you for your hard-earned money by telling you that, for the above problems, you cant do your own auto body work, Toronto area drivers! For more information, just follow the link below.
by: Jeremiah Gibson
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Need Auto Body Repair, Toronto Area Residents? You May Be Able To Do It Yourself