If you were familiar with payday loans in years past you many remember that applying for this type of loan often required the use of a fax machine
. Your drivers' license and other identifying documents had to be faxed to a regional office to be scrutinized by management, and all of this was quite a hassle if you didn't own a fax machine. And it could also be a disruption at your work place if you asked to use a work fax machine for personal use. Besides, it's not a good idea to let other people in your work place know what's going on in your personal life. So, the fact that you can obtain a payday loan without needing a fax machine is a great improvement in ease and convenience of loan application.
Now that you have the option of no fax payday loans it only makes sense to consider borrowing money this way in the case of a genuine emergency. It does not make sense to apply for a payday loan for other purposes such as taking a vacation or merely going shopping. These are not a wise use of convenient payday loans. They are primarily for unexpected emergencies when there's no good alternative other than asking friends or family for a loan. Although there are times when that makes sense, most of the time it just strains your relationship with the people closest to you and so you're much better off conducting business with professionals.
Fortunately, all your documentation and personal information is completely confidential when you apply for a payday loan. Nobody needs to know you are borrowing money at all, and unless someone else has access to your bank balance nobody will see the funds deposited or withdrawn. Those transactions will occur automatically. Within a short time after your loan transaction is approved the funds will be credited to your bank account, and on the day your next paycheck is deposited by your employer the repayment amount agreed in your loan documents will be debited from your bank account. This repayment amount will be the dollar amount you originally borrowed plus interest.
Since the time no fax payday loans were developed it is much easier to apply online or in person at a local payday loan lender. Since there is no credit check required there is no need for obtaining or faxing any credit history back and forth either. It is simply not an issue.