Necessary Steps To Follow To Submit An Article

Share: One effective way to drive traffic to a specific site is by submitting articles
. The results of consistent article submission make it worth the time and money it might cost.
When the internet was still young internet marketers figured out that article submission was key in driving traffic to websites. At that time search engines were pretty basic so it was very easy to gain attention for most written articles. Well- the game has now changed.
With the increasing growth of the Internet submitting articles online has become very competitive. Here are some articles submission tips that can help you promote your products and increase your traffic:
- Your articles must have eye-catching titles because of the competitive nature of article writing. Like any type of newspaper heading or advertisement the ones that stand out are the ones more likely to read first- or even at all.
That is more than true on the internet where the attention span of most readers is very short. That is the nature of the internet- for people to be able to do everything faster.
- To gain attention and be read it has to do so quickly. Two important elements in the title heading are: 1- does it answer a problem or a need, and 2- does it stand out with colorful or creative wording?
- As for the article's content the more unique and creative it is the better. It is proven that adding quality to an article as opposed to writing for quantity will increase traffic.
Articles that offer useful information and are well written tend to be read. Readers will move on quickly from articles that don't fit this description.
- To be clear the objective of article submission is to improve link popularity and ranking for the targeted keywords. Therefore articles written with this in mind- attaining Google Page Rank is a great way of getting backlinks to the website.
The effort and care given to this is crucial in the effectiveness of article submission.
- By submitting an article to various article directories- especially those which have distribution networks- you can greatly increase your chances of being read. Many directories supply articles to major web publishers.
Typically the more readers you gain the more traffic will be driven to the directed sites. You can increase the quality of backlinks to your website by increasing the readership of your articles. This will also improve your search engine rankings.
by: Kenji Sakamoto
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