Nature Has It's Own Way Of Curing Cancer!
Nature Has It's Own Way Of Curing Cancer!
Cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and it can only be prevented, by keeping our body's immune system up. Much poisoning of the body has been caused by the use of improper foods, such as meat, dairy products, white Sugar, white flour, white rice, along with the use of liquor, tobacco, Coffee and other denatured foods. Good wholesome food builds good blood, where as unwholesome foods builds a poor quality of blood. Cancer will not develop where there is a pure blood stream and the body's immune system is functioning at its optimum. This is a uniquely western problem. One out of three Americans die of Cancer, it used to be one out of four. In North America, Australia, New Zealand and affluent countries in Europe cancer is epidemic ; whereas people in China, Japan and Southeast Asia seldom have cancer. More than 2,000 scientific studies from around the world, and compiled with the advice of more than 2,000 doctors, nutritionist and biochemists concluded that the normal American diet is dangerous. Of the 2.1 million Americans who died that year, the report said that 1.5 million died from diseases associated with diet. The report stressed that most people should reduce the consumption of fat, especially saturated fats, such as from eggs. Diets high in refined fats have long been associated with increased cancer rIsk. Breast cancer is more frequent in women on diets high in both saturated fats, (whole milk), and in animal fat. A low fat diet not only prevents breast cancer but increases the survival of women who already have Breast cancer. .
For years the National Cancer Institute held fast to the principal that diet had nothing to do with cancer. Recent overwhelming evidence has forced them To change their mind. They now even recommend that one consume certain fruits and vegetables in order to prevent cancer. "Fruits, such as oranges And bananas, and leafy green and yellow vegetables, including carrots and Broccoli, all contain cancer preventing vitamins and fiber, and should be a part of everyone's daily diet". You must eat a totally raw diet until your cancer is in remission. Nothing cooked, no cooked beans, bread, potatoes, etc. Sounds tough, but let me tell you this Is much easier then taking chemotherapy which will tear your immune system down. Recently a link between excessive meat eating and cancer has been explained By Dr. W. J. Visek, a research scientist at Cornell University. The problem, according to Dr. Visek, is ammonia, the carcinogenic by-product of meat digestion. Researchers at the University of Victoria in British Columbia did a careful follow up on 200 persons who underwent a "spontaneous remission of cancer". They found that 87% of those persons had switched diets, usually to a vegetarian diet. Largely ignored studies on eating habits have suggested that each eating episode over the course of the day increases colon cancer risk. Regular meal intake did not seem to produce the same risk as didconsumption of snacks.
There is no one drug, herb, or treatment that will kill cancer. Cancer has to be treated only by building the body's immune system. It is possible for you to heal yourself, you do not always need surgery or expensive, anddangerous drugs. Whereas it is best to avoid this disease with a healthy lifestyle, If a person who has cancer follows the simple things are outlined in this article they will notice improvement within less then two weeks. The closer you follow this program the faster you will improve.
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