At My Auto Agent we love our work, and that is why we take it seriously
. With My Auto Agent's growing popularity we have seen a number of questionable websites steal try to discredit our business on internet blogs and while telemarketing. Well, the "proof is in the pudding" as they say! We invite you to check our current status with the Better Business Bureau and our telemarketing license with Consumer Protection BC. These two agencies are the only credible sources you should trust. We are proud to say that we are the only company of our kind accredited and licensed by both.
To obtain BBB Accreditation and Consumer Protection licensing My Auto Agent participated in application processes that include checks for:
Past Business History
Credit History
Criminal Record
Corporate Transparency
Bank Verification
Certificate of Good Standing for an Incorporated Company
Are you being solicited by a telemarketer operating from British Columbia or are you a B.C. resident being solicited by an out of province company? If a company is asking for payment over the phone or by fax for goods or services in or from B.C. they are required to hold a Telemarketers License from Consumer Protection B.C. Ask if they hold this license, and if the answer is NO, please get the name of the company, their phone number and report them to Consumer Protection BC and the Better Business Bureau.
Please visit or our forwarding address to view our new webpage titled "Accreditation & Licensing" to learn more.