Mums in Life Insurance Bubbles: Are You One?

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Given that some two-thirds of people in the world say they fear public speaking more than death, it is perhaps unsurprising that a new survey has revealed that 25% of women would prefer to change a dirty nappy than talk about life insurance, and 20% would rather undergo an uncomfortable procedure at the doctor's or dentist's office than have that dreaded conversation. The base reasoning behind this is that it is too difficult to face the idea that a mother might die early ... as well as a general lack of understanding about the way that the life insurance industry works. Today we go in depth with the issue of Mums in life insurance bubbles ... and how those bubbles can sometimes unfortunately burst.
Is Life Insurance Important for Women?
In centuries past, life insurance probably wasn't as important for women to have. Men were the primary breadwinners, and although women contributed financially to the household by taking care of the cooking, cleaning, child care, mending, clothes-making, etc etc, it seemed to make little difference to the finances if they weren't about because of the benefit of large extended families.
Nowadays though, the facts and figures tell us that life insurance is more important than ever for women to have. Lonergan Research found that:
83% of women understand that their untimely death would place an enormous financial burden on their surviving family members
Around 65% of mothers surveyed were in charge of household administration and financial matters
However, about 85% were frustrated with the life insurance industry, with the cost of a policy and the complicated nature of the purchasing decision.
Is Life Insurance Important for Parents?
All parents should have life insurance in this day and age! Our society is now set up for a family to have their maximum level of opportunity when both parents work. Single-parent families do it very, very tough. Ensuring opportunities and comfort for your children is the main reason for any parent - father OR mother - to take out life insurance.
Overcoming Mums' Hurdles on the Way to Life Insurance
Although the road to the peace of mind that life insurance offers may seem twisted, shady and sometimes blocked, in reality all of mothers' common reasons for not arranging life insurance can be challenged and overcome!
Don't want to talk about an early death?
We understand that this is never pleasant. All you can do is remind yourself that everybody dies sometime ... and the most important things are the time you have when you are here, and the legacy you leave behind.
Feel life insurance is too complicated?
There are literally hundreds of guides on the internet - talking to a pushy life insurance salesperson is no longer the only option for learning about policies.
Think you can't afford life insurance?
If you are reasonably healthy and in your 20s, 30s or 40s, life insurance will probably cost you between $3 and $9 per week. Make sure you shop around, remember that 'some' benefit is better than 'no' benefit, and look into the many, many ways you can create an extra few dollars a week in your household budget for something that could be critical to your family's future wellbeing.
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