Move, Eat And Live For A Better Life

Share: Diet and exercise is not about looking thin or having muscles or toned thighs although these are great side affects to a healthy lifestyle
. In and of themselves these are rarely motivation enough to eat healthy, but the care and feeding of our bodies that give us life should be.
People would never dream of putting debris and pollutants in their automobiles, yet they scarf down additives, chemicals and artificial everything with no thought to the body as a machine with many complicated and fallible systems.
Every computer operator knows the old adage of "garbage in, garbage out" it even has a known anachronism of "gigo", but why do the same people not apply these standards with their own bodies.
Exercise keeps our bodies lean, lubricated, the heart healthy and strong, the organs wrung out of pollutants, supple and active. I have heard studies that as little as five minutes of running a day can keep the body significantly decreased for chances of osteoporosis. Strangely enough exercise also keeps the mind active and reduces the chance for Alzheimer's.
Eating cabbage everyday can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 66 percent. Lots of water, raw roughage, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits all keep the body lean, active and healthy. Cut fast food down to once a month at the most, fast food offers high calories and almost no nutrition. The same goes for most boxed cereal, try yogurt and fruit or oat meal for a hearty, satisfying breakfast to start the body systems running great.
Socializing is another key component to a healthy, mentally well lifestyle. If it has been too long, have a dinner party and just invite three or four close friends. For exercise success, workout with a buddy, it keeps you motivated and makes workout time therapeutic as well.
Exercise and nutrition and socialization are a win-win-win for the body, every system benefits, life is sweeter and that life is prolonged by the absence of disease and lack of energy. For professional help with this kind of life style contact your local chiropractor who specialize in the holistic approach to living. Whether you life in Fresno or Folsom, chiropractors will help you in this endeavor.
by: Art Gib
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