Motor insurance customers input false information when applying for cover on-line
Motor insurance customers input false information when applying for cover on-line
A study conducted by DVLA in collaboration with ABI revealed thatat least 17% of motor insurance customers produced false driving license information when applying for cover online. Their research concluded that 1% of those customers don't even holda valid driving license.
This fact influences other honest customers which have to pay higher premiums as a consequence. This research comes hand by hand with the initiative from regulatory bodies to grant insurers more access to their customer's driving licence data.
The new proposals will change significantly the on-line quote system as customers will no longer have to input their driving record details but will only provide their licence number instead. The insurers will then be able to obtain the customer's driving records,prior to giving a quote , directly from DVLA database.
The move suppose to cut down fraud levels and as a result will lead to a decreasein insurance premiums.
Nigel Bartram, AvivaUKinsurance motor underwriting manager , advisesthatitis crucial to keep the initiative moving faster asthe problem will become more acute when it becomes an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle next year.
According to the news of the initiative, around 10 % of applicants for Swiftcover insurance do not divulge all of their previous claims and that 60 % of the those customers do not renew their policies.
Because there was no real progress since the change of government in May, Trudgill will meet during this month with junior transport minister Mark Penning, who oversees DVLA, and will be trying to put pressure on him in order to be more dynamic in the project.