More Than A Caregiver Job: 3 C's of an Exceptional Caregiver

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Caregiving jobs come and go. But what makes a great care provider who offers quality caregiver services? What distinguishes a caregiver that shows up to work and does a mediocre job to caregiver that is outstanding and provides quality care? In order to be a caregiver, one needs to have various personality traits and abilities. Exceptional caregiving requires the 3 C's: compassion, communication, and creativity.
Compassion. Caregivers need to have compassion, an awareness of and sympathy for someone suffering and the desire to help. Compassion includes having patience while carrying out a caregiver job. For instance, understanding why it may take a client 5 minutes to move from the bedroom to the living area. Compassion also means understanding a patient may be tearful during the holiday season or on a birthday.
Communication. Caregivers need to understand how to communicate to someone with special needs or an individual who is trying to maintain or regain independence. A patient may experience frustration when they used to carry out a task independently and they have either temporarily or permanently lost that ability. In addition, many clients may have experience memory loss. Knowing how to communicate with someone experiencing dementia is a must.
Creativity. Caregivers are presented with many challenging physical and emotional situations. A creative dementia caregiver (one who cares for someone with dementia or memory challenges) may have to quickly resolve a situation when a client forgets where she is or who is caring for her. A caregiver may have to think outside-the-box in order to get the client to eat a meal. In addition, helping a client move around in a restricting setting may require quick and creative thinking.
Anyone can have a caregiver job. Regardless if it's a part time, full time, or live in caregiver job, those who need to find a caregiver, look for an exceptional caregiver who will possess the 3 C's. Home caregiver jobs can be filled easily, but outstanding caregivers will have compassion, communication skills and creativity. If you want to find a caregiver, look for candidates that have the 3 C's. If you are looking for a caregiver job, share the 3 C's and why you possess these qualities in your job interview.
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