Money does not get you into paradise! Belief in God does not cost money but gets you into paradise
Share: Money does not get you into paradise! Belief in God does not cost money but gets you into paradise
Money does not get into you paradise! Belief in God does not cost money but gets you into paradise.
Money opens all doors, sometimes it can buy love if you have enough money. Money buys everything, property, homes, cars, trees, animals and in many cases, humans. Did you ever go into a posh hotel in old clothes and see how the doorman turns you out before you enter! Be well clothed and have an air of a rich person then the same doorman greets you with a broad smile and opens the door for you.
There are doormen in every domain of life and at every place all the time, They either turn you away or welcome you. In reality, what they are doing is opening your wallet and help themselves to what's in it.
Share: Big Hotels give a rich man an VIP treatment of the red carpet. But as soon as the same man is bankrupt or falls poor for whatever reasons, Big hotels, even small ones, close their doors and the doorman will only be glad to turn you away like a miserable dog.
Talking about dogs, if a rich looking dog walks into a big hotel then the doorman open the door with a smile. Should a poor, dirty dog do the same thing, then the same doorman rejects the poor dog and send him away. Well, there is a parallel between dogs and men, or women. Richness and wealth, in short having money, decide the attitude of the doorman of the big or small hotel.
We are like dons and there is no difference except in the way it looks, rich or poor. The criterion of judgment is simply money. It is not whether a dog is kind, gentle and humble that he gets the favor from the doorman but it is rather the rich look and beautiful elegant appearance wins him the battle, for this denotes that the own, nearby has enough money to take good and rich care of the dog.
If your dog is dirty looking, miserable then his end will be the SPA (home for homeless and poor animals, awaiting to be transferred to the other world with the help of the guardian), but big hotels and restaurants are open for rich dogs and they are sure to obtain the best treatment. Likewise the parallel is more true for humans.
Rich people do not live under bridges and drink cheap wine. Poor people do not live in extravagant and luxurious houses dinking the best Champaign from Picardy in France.
Everything costs money, your clothes, your food, your lodgings, your cars, your marriage, your children, your health and your good living, or poor one. We cannot do without money, unless we live like a Robinson Crusoe up a tree in a lonely island in the pacific. Well, we are not all lucky to be Robinson Crusoe.
However, if money can get you everything and money can buy you anything it cannot buy you a place in paradise. Although in the Middle ages the Vatican Papacy sold indulgences for money and the owner had a right to place in paradise.
Well, whether the owners of indulgences had really a place in paradise or not remains to be seen on doomsday. But what is real in the divine messages namely the Scriptures do not consider much rich people in having good places, if at all in paradise.
The rich man Korah was destroyed by an earthquake for being an arrogant boaster ungrateful to God, as well as his household. The story is mentioned both in the Torah and in the Qur'an. Jesus Christ said that rich people do not enter the Kingdom of the Lord until the camel enters into the needle of the tailor.
He offered a rich man to leave his wealth and follow him, but the rich man refused and lagged behind with his wealth.
What gets you into paradise does not cost you a dime. It is only merited if you believe in God and worship Him. Belief you cannot possibly buy, You cannot hire at the drug store or borrow from any one.
You yourself must have belief in God and the Last Day. For entering paradise and having a good place you all have to do is to believe in God and the Last Day and perform good deeds in your life.
For entering Paradise the doorman is different of the big Hotel at Fifth Avenue in New York. Paradise doormen only allow to enter those who believe in God regardless of their looks, their riches, their wealth, their appearances, their status in earthly life or their position of what family or country they come from.
Share: The only criterion for entrance is not your money but your belief and deeds in your this life. This belief is yours.
Nobody shares your belief and nobody is awarded for it with eternal paradise. Only you.
So, what are you waiting for? Or are you contended with this life and reject the other one?
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Money does not get you into paradise! Belief in God does not cost money but gets you into paradise