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Money Saving Tips For Auto Insurance

Money Saving Tips For Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is required by every state in the nation

. It is a necessary expense that provides relief for anyone involved in an accident. Having this protection means that, if a vehicle is damaged, or any person is injured, the insurance will pay most, or all of the expenses involved (less the deductible).

The cost ofauto insurancevaries from one company to the next, and from one policy to the other. Deciding what type of coverage is required, as well as desired (depending on your exposures and risk tolerance), and comparing rates will allow a driver to make a decision based on their needs as well as state requirements.

When shopping for insurance it is a good idea to follow some of these suggestions, some of which may provide significant savings:

Type of car being insured can make a world of differenceMoney Saving Tips For Auto Insurance

Before buying a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Cars that are expensive to repair, or that are generally targeted by thieves, can have much higher costs for insurance.

Consider these seven things when shopping for insurance:

1.Look at the insurance cost when making a move.Costs tend to be lowest in rural communities, highest in cities where there is more traffic congestion.

2.Inquire about automatic seat belt or airbag discounts. Drivers may be able to take advantage of discounts on some coverages if they have automatic seat belts and/or airbags.

3.Ask about anti-lock brakes.Anti-lock brakes improve steering control and stability when a car is brought to a stop, thus reducing accidents.

Some states require insurers to give discounts for cars equipped with anti-lock brakes, and some insurers have a nationwide discount in place. Those living in the Windham, Connecticut area should check to see what types of discounts might be available.

4.Inquire about other discounts. Many insurers offer discounts for:

No accidents in three years

Drivers over 50 years of age

Driver training courses

Anti-theft devices

Good grades for students, and

Having your car insurance with that company.

5.Ask for higher deductibles. Deductibles represent the amount of money paid before making a claim. By requesting higher deductibles on collision and comprehensive (fire and theft) coverage, costs can be lowered substantially. (Example: Increasing the deductible from $200 to $500 may reduce collision and comprehensive cost by 15% to 30%).

6.Drop collision and/or comprehensive coverage on older cars.It may not be cost effective to have collision or comprehensive coverages on cars worth less than $1,000 because any claim made would not substantially exceed annual cost and deductible amounts.

7.Take advantage of low mileage discounts.Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive fewer than a predetermined number of miles a year.

by: MariaT.Barber
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