Modern Teeth Whitening Sheffield Methods

Share: Teeth whitening Sheffield may sound like a modern phenomenon
, but in actual fact it is a custom which has existed in one form or another for centuries.
In 3000 BC, chew sticks were used in the place of tooth brushes. The fibres in the wood acted as a brush which was intended to remove particles from the teeth. Teeth whitening procedures in ancient Rome included the rather unpleasant use of urine, the active ingredient being ammonia, while ancient Egyptians preferred the use of powdered pumice stone, an ingredient which is still found in products such as polishing toothpastes today. Old fashioned remedies for tooth staining included peculiar ingredients such as red wine vinegar, combined with salt and a mixture of other household ingredients. This would then be rubbed on the teeth to achieve the desired result. The use of corrosive nitric acid, something which would shock many dental patients today, was prevalent in the times of old fashioned red and white barbers but then, so was the practise of blood letting. This was thought to have a teeth whitening Sheffield effect, however it was quickly realised that the acid in fact wore away the tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay and eventual tooth loss.
Modern teeth whitening Sheffield methods developed from an original compound intended for cleaning dentures. At-home bleaching trays were developed in 1989 by two dentists, Dr Haywood and Professor Haywood. This introduction of carbamide peroxide as a lightening treatment revolutionized the world of teeth whitening Sheffieldand brought treatments to the wider public in the form of bleach tray kits which could be bought over the counter.
Like the original teeth whitening compound before it, laser teeth whitening also had an alternative purpose. Originally developed in the 1960s, argon lasers were introduced to laser dentistry with the intention of helping those with gum disease. In 1996, the FDA approved the lasers for use in teeth whitening. Laser teeth whitening today combines the use of a gel with special crystals, which is then activated by a laser. Zoom teeth whitening works in a similar way, using a zoom heat lamp to activate the gel which is painted onto the teeth. Both procedures are very quick compared to old fashioned procedures, taking around an hour, but they can be very expensive compared to some over-the-counter treatments. Zoom treatments cost about 200, while laser teeth whitening can cost as much as 13,000. Both treatments are also relatively painless compared to old teeth whitening methods; however there have been reports of pain during and following the procedure, depending on teeth sensitivity.
Over dependence on bleaching has also in some cases led to teeth obtaining a translucent grey or blue colour, particularly in some cases where dental professionals have seen an almost obsessive rise in those who continue to bleach their teeth repeatedly.
However, teeth whitening procedures are now more accessible and effective than ever, meaning that those with tooth staining caused by the use of a particular medication, for example, can undergo teeth whitening treatments should they feel the need to do so.
by: atif saleem
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