Mobile Application Development Technology And Its Implementation Area
Today Smart phone is hybrid of computer and mobile phone
. Some tasks which were earlier possible only on computer can now be done on mobile phone. This has happened due to the Smart phone operating system platform and it application development environment. In this article, I am scrutinizing current mobile technology and its implementation area.
Technology for Smart phone and application development
iPhone - Apple with its iPhone is the uncrowned king of Smart phone industry. iOS 4 is the latest version of the iPhone mobile operating system. iPhone SDK is used for apps development. Anyone can develop apps according to the standard guidelines and upload it on apple apps store for sale.
Blackberry - It has got huge number of users in all segments. In business world blackberry is the most preferred phone. Blackberry apps development is based on the java platform. Share:
Android - It is most rapidly growing mobile operating system platform. It has a very great future. In a very short span of time, large number of mobile manufacturers is getting associated with Android. It is open source supported by Google. Current edition for mobile and tablet are Android 2.2 and 3.0 respectively. Android Apps Development is also based on java technology.
Symbian - Nokia is the largest producer of Smart phone and use symbian in it. This is open source technology, which is maintained by Nokia. "Symbian 3" is latest version and "Symbian 4" is expected to be released in first half of 2011. Symbian apps development is based on C++ technology.
Window - Microsoft's mobile operating system is also known as Windows. In current scenario, it is losing its popularity. To revive it share in Smart phone market Microsoft has launched Windows 7. It is unsupported by the earlier version of windows phone. Its user interface gives you look and feel of Microsoft Desktop OS.
BREW - QUALCOM is the creator of BREW mobile platform. It was basically developed for CDMA mobile phone, but now GSM is also supported. Brew Mobile Apps Development is a very supple development platform. Application for this platform can be developed on or C++ using the BREW SDK and also Java base development is possible if the mobile has got JVM on it.
J2ME - It is the most famous mobile apps development platform. It supports verity of the development platform. It is open source technology and is maintained by Sun Micro systems, which is now owned by Oracle.
Diver's field benefited from Mobile Application Development.