Mission - Your Childhood Reveals Your Mission In Life!

Share: Hence, we can go through life not knowing what we were really sent here to do. We can experience depression and negative emotions, not having processed our childhood experiences into the positive learning that would support us in our mission.
So, how do you go about discovering what your mission is?
1. Look at your childhood and find out what qualities you were developing with the experiences that you had.
No matter how negative the experiences appear to be on the surface, you can be sure that they are the perfect training ground for your future mission.
2.Take some time to ponder the meaning and purpose of your life. Look at the past only to find what you are really here to do.
Take 15 minutes a day and sit with a question about an aspect of your childhood and ask your inner guidance to show you how your childhood was preparing you for your mission in life.
Persevere and you will receive answers. Remain curious and do not get caught up in traumatic events instead, try and view them as an observer
I am speaking from first-hand experience. I discovered my real mission after many years. I went through a lot of self development, meditation and soul- searching in order to fully-understand, what I was really here to do.
My parents divorced when I was 14 and I lived with my mother who was depressed most of her life. I remember going through a lot of sadness, anger and loneliness.
In fact,I unknowingly took on my mothers' depression (though I did not realise it at the time), in order to try and clear it for her so she would not have to carry it.
What is interesting is that mum would repeat her life story. She had experienced difficulties and traumas in her life and I was her mirror and counsellor.
Difficult as that was at the time, it was my training for what I do now; counselling and uplifting others, sensing their thoughts and feelings and being a mirror for them, in order to help them release the past and move on.
Now that I have worked through my negative feelings of the past, I can view my childhood with new eyes, grateful for the experiences that have helped me with my mission.
What is your mission in life?
by: Maria Parkinson
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