Ministry Marketing Video Series: Target Market
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The Ministry Marketing Video Series covers key questions, such as, knowing who is your target market.
If you want to present your information, products, or ministry online to people, you have to narrow it down to WHO you really want to reach.
This is a cornerstone to your ministry marketing plan using the power of the internet to promote your Christian music, or ministry online, as well as targeting the audience for which you desire to minister.
How Do You Find Your Target Market?
The best thing to do is to take out a piece of paper and ask yourself some questions. Such as, are they male, female? What religion are they? Where do they live? What's the age bracket your are trying to reach? How much money do they make?
You can discover your target market by exploring these factors:
* What Do They Want?
What do you have in a service, ministry, or product that will impact someone's life, change their life for the better.
* What Are Their Unique Problems?
For example, I have other market products where I try to help those who struggle with panic attacks and find a solution to help stop them.
I'm a former pro golfer so I love the market field of golf. I have a number of video series and products to help golfers have a better swing, putt better, or just basically lower their golf scores.
You get the idea. Find out what specific problem people in your focus group have and find the best solution for it. It's important to note that sometimes your target audience may not be looking for a problem solver but a "luxury item".
* What Do Your Target Clients Currently Purchase?
Find the things your target market buys frequently that is specific to your market, or your service, ministry etc.
* What Can You Exclude From Your Market
Do they only speak Spanish? Only live in the United States? The more you can figure out the targeted persons that can be excluded the easier you will be to market to your targeted group.
* Where Do They Go Online?
Your target market is probably online already. Where do they spend their time specific to your ministry or product? You need to go where they are already to find ways to attract them to your site.
You can find them where they read or participate in:
E-mail Campaings
* Who Are Your Competitors?
Who are the major players in your particular ministry or market?What do they offer and how? What specific products or services to they sell easily? Who has top rankings? Who pays for adwords? Who and what sites link to?
These are important questions to answer. If you can answer them with the most specific details and know how your competition is successful in your market, then you can do the same or improve on what they are doing.
by: Marie James
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