Minimizing Kids Exposure to Sex and Violence on Mass Media

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A child who watches television three to four hours a day would have seen 16,000 scenes of violence by the time he reaches age 18, various researches show. Statistics also indicate that these kids are higher risk of committing offenses by the time they reach the age of 30. Of course exposure to violence is not the only cause. Other factors such as modeling from parents and peers, socio-economic status, and educational background come into play. Still, the more a child is exposed to aggressive content, the higher the probability of violent behavior at a later age.
It is quit alarming the way sex and violence have become part and parcel of children's everyday viewing nowadays. A lot of scenes in TV shows, movie trailers and even billboards portray sexiness in gestures, words and clothing. Violence is seen in movies, the news, video games and cartoon shows.
Exposure to sex and violence also has desensitizing effect. Kissing scenes and casual sex for example have effects on moral development. Kids might assume that what they see is permissible, and that is dangerous. When good guys triumph after killing all the bad guys, children may think that aggression is the only solution to problems. The most one can do is to give information as long as the correct one is given at the right time. Just make sure to consider a child's age when explaining.
The following are five concrete ways parents can help gain control over the box:1. Watch with your kids, especially TV shows that indicate that parental guidance is necessary so you can answer right away any questions that may arise during the show.2. Keep hold of the remote control, use TV child lock if available and remove cable channels you deem inappropriate for children.3. Enforce good behavior by praising those seen on TV. Comment on bad and good commercials.4. Write TV networks if you have complaints and suggestions.5. Pass on to children early in life the values important to you.
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