Minibus Insurance And Other Important Considerations For European Travel
It has never been easier to travel to mainland Europe with numerous ferries and the Eurotunnel it is also easy to take a vehicle with you
. More people than ever are using minibuses when travelling to the continent as you can carry a large number of people and have a lot of space to bring back any duty free.
Whilst minibus insurance is essential there are a number of important considerations when operating a minibus in Europe.
If the minibus is being operated for profit the first obligation is that of a EU waybill which permits travel of a vehicle with more than eight seats anywhere throughout the European Union. If you are not operating the minibus for profit then alternative control documentation is needed, this is called an own account certificate that is free and can easily be acquired.
Whilst you may have a general UK minibus insurance this is unlikely to cover you for European travel, and can be a considerable extra cost. It will be important to check with your insurer if your minibus insurance policy will cover you for European travel and how extensive that is. If your minibus insurance policy does not effectively cover you for European travel you will have to upgrade your policy in order to legally drive your minibus.
If you know you may want to travel to Europe and your minibus insurance is coming up for renewal or you are yet to buy a policy it is a good idea to enquire about this when you get a quote. Depending on your visit and cover the premiums for this can be different but is highly recommended that you use an insurance broker which specialises in minibus insurance as they will be able to ensure you get all the cover you need within your minibus insurance policy.
You will need to have your minibus insurance certificate with you at all times when traveling on the continent as it forms part of the key documentation along with your passport, driving licence, vehicle registration and a European accident form.
When operating your minibus within Europe you need to display a designated GB sticker to identify your number plates, however this is not required if you have one of the newer EU format number plates which designates which EU member state your car belongs to. Finally once you have all your minibus insurance and other documentation in place your all set for European travel.