Michelle Obama Unveils Her Secrets Of Happier And Healthier Life

Share: The basic health rule according to Michelle Obama is to give ourselves the permission to be gay
. Here she unravels her fitness schedule, eating habits and the secrets of inner strength and confidence which she hopes to pass on to her progeny and the entire nation as well.
Balancing and finding the perfect harmony is the key to happiness:
As stated by the first lady Michelle Obama, she got the preliminary lessons from her mother, about what not to do in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, and that was how she learnt to prioritizing herself in the entire list of daily events. One can be a successful mom and still find time for working out, getting rest and to have a carrier or not. According to her mother, to be a successful mother is not all about sacrificing, but to balance and harmonize perfectly in life.
The idea of health to the first lady:
Health to Michelle Obama constitutes of both internal and physical, both diet and the mental and emotional state. They are all interrelated in a way. Throughout her life, she had been privileged of making the perfect choices for herself, and she considers herself fortunatefor this. Even her husband encouraged her everytime to figure out what she actually wanted to do, as they both understood the simple fact that physical happiness is connected to all the
components of a healthy lifestyle, and hence she wants to pass on these concepts to her daughters.
The concept of ageing does not bring any uncanny feeling for the first lady. Rather, it is her aim to appear fresh and great looking even when she is 70.It had been her motive to be on the cusp of the best shape possible for her. According to her, she has recently discovered the fact that with the increase of age, one need to work more and more, in order to maintain the position. Thus, she has started to alter the workouts in order to maintain the cardio and the flexibility as well. It is all about adjusting our body to the natural progression to overcome the impositions of the age
The key concept of happiness to Michelle Obama
Happiness for Michelle Obama is the time when the kids are nice and the presence of the complete family. Being grown ups, it is not very hard to overcome the work stresses, but it everything seems perfect and harmonious when the kids are happy and in a good place.
by: Keneth Parker
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