Mesothelioma Symptons And Treatment
Mesothelioma cancer has an extremely low survival rate
, with an expected life expectancy of only eight to twelve months after a mesothelioma diagnosis. The sooner one is able to discover the cancer the longer the amount of time one may have. Also, specialists in treating malignant mesothelioma can give you more valuable time.
Since mesothelioma symptoms often occur after the disease had evolved into its deadly form, it is important to get a mesothelioma diagnosis before the onset of any signs.
Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, chest discomfort, cough, fever, weight loss and chronic fatigue. People who can catch the disease early enough have even experienced a five-year survival rate - but time is of the essence.
Who should attempt to get a mesothelioma diagnosis?
Anyone who has been around asbestos for prolonged period of time.
This includes workers, manufacturers, and family members who came in contact with the clothing or individuals who worked around the hazardous material.
If mesothelioma symptoms lead you to the doctor's office and ends up in a positive mesothelioma diagnosis, you do have some treatment options at your disposal.
Below are three kinds of treatment options for patients with malignant mesothelioma diagnosis:
1) Surgery to take out the cancer
2) Chemotherapy, which is the use of drugs to abate the cancer
3) Radiation Therapy - high does x-ray or high energy ray cells kill the cancer cells
Two or more treatments can be used to fight the invading cancer cells but as stated above, one usually doesn't have much time let after mesothelioma symptoms develop and a mesothelioma diagnosis is confirmed.
Even with all the aid you can receive, more often than not, you only have a few years left. Your remaining time could be fraught with pain and worry over your family's future. A mesothelioma attorney could be the answer to your problems.
With a mesothelioma attorney to represent you, you will be able to get compensation for medical bills and make sure your family is financially secure. With the right attorney at the helm, you can concentrate on the things that are most important to you and your family. This is also important, as stress can make or break your fragile health.
Worry can rob you of precious moments after a mesothelioma diagnosis - a good mesothelioma attorney will fight on your behalf, allowing you to spend time with family, loved ones and people who matter.
by: Johnson Law Group
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