Mens Boat Shoes Are Not Just For Nautical Occasions
Mens Boat Shoes Are Not Just For Nautical Occasions
Mens boat shoes are not exclusive to that trip on a boat. The origin of the boat shoe begins with the design of comfortable nonslip shoes that were worn on the decks of boats as well as docksides.
Every aspect of sailing has to be looked at with safety in mind and anything which reduces the risk of slipping is a very important part of that safety. If someone trips or slips and falls overboard it is an extremely difficult task to carry out a successful rescue. When someone falls from a large cruise ship the chances of rescue are virtually zero.
It takes a ninety thousand ton ship upwards of an hour to successfully turn back and then the skipper has to do some frantic calculations to work out the likely position of the overboard person. A huge amount of luck as well as judgement is required as are some very keen lookouts. Mens boat shoes became landlubber's shoes many years ago. These fashionable and comfortable shoes can be worn with any casual clothing and are an integral part of any well-dressed person's wardrobe. The same soles that make them safe on board a boat work equally well when walking on wet pavements. Share:
The sure grip of boat shoes helped a friend when he was fishing off a small boat one holiday in the Caribbean. Sometime during the hot afternoon sun he was standing up in the boat thinking about whether he was likely to catch his supper that day.
The intention was to land a yellow fin tuna fish which would be supper for him and a couple of friends in the evening back at the rented house. Suddenly there was a good tug on the line and he knew he had caught something big. After playing the fish for a good fifteen minutes he managed to get it alongside.
His friend got a large hook to pull the fish aboard as soon as he saw the yellow flash a few feet beneath the boat and knew for sure it certainly was going to be supper in the shape of a really large tuna.
Just as my friend gave one last pull with all his strength to get the fish nearer the surface so that it could be hooked; three things happened fast almost simultaneously.
The boat suddenly rocked violently, a huge black shadow shot under the boat and was just as quickly gone and my friend fell onto his backside with a the large head of a tuna on the end of his line falling next to him. His two fishing comrades had been thrown into the water but were out in seconds as we all realized what had happened. A shark had known from more than a mile off that our tuna was struggling in the water and had just shot through like an express train relieving us of supper.