. She was a lab mix that we got from the animal shelter and she was our family's best friend for almost 10 years. The hardest decision we had to make was having to put her down because of cancer in one of her legs. This was a tough time in my life because I suddenly lost a best friend that had always been there for me when times were tough and also when times were great. There is no easy way of moving on without your best friend and I'm sure other people have experienced the same kind of loss that I experienced. In many households, pets are a big part of the family. They go on vacation with the family; they are in pictures, and even sometimes they get to sleep on beds with the families. Pets do not care how successful you are because they will love you no matter if you are the President of the United States or if you are homeless living on the streets. Dogs give you a sense of loyalty, cats give you someone to cuddle with, and fish can keep you company on the table next to you while you watch television. A lot of families have little memorial pet services in their backyards when an animal dies. It can be a really sad time when one of your small furry family members dies but it could help to try and remember him or her by planting a tree in their name. Trees for a Change, www.treesforachange.com, plants trees in forests struck by wildfires and sends out personalized cards in order to commemorate your pet. This is a great way to remember your pet because it helps you let go and also helps a forest that is in need of restoration