Melissa Knecht's Laws of Attraction Carbon Copy Pro Review

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Melissa Knecht's Laws of Attraction Carbon Copy Pro Review
When I signed up for Melissa Knecht's Carbon Copy Pro coaching program, I'll admit I was skeptical. Would this strategy really work for me? I already knew that success is a state of mind, but knowing something and experiencing it are two very different things. I wasn't sure Melissa could instill that success mindset in me. I just didn't believe anything could affect me to the level that I would not only be inspired, but actually begin to experience positive changes in my life, let alone in my career and income.
The coaching itself was certainly inspiring. I left feeling fulfilled and optimistic, but again, I'll admit there was a little niggling doubt in the back of my mind. Okay, said this doubt, that's all sunshine and rainbows, but let's see how it pans out when we come back from Neverland. Stubbornly, I held onto theinspiration andLaws of AttractiontoolsMelissa gave me, and practiced the keys to self-mastery and success. Yet, I was surprised when I actually started to notice small changes in just a few short weeks. I guess it hadn't sunk in that when we change our thoughts and our attitudes, which I was actively doing, we really do change our lives. If seeing is believing, I'm now a believer.

Share: Melissa's coaching affected me on deep levels which continue to permeate my entire being. She used teachings from Napoleon Hill, who was the presidential advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, not to mention good personal friends with Andrew Carnegie. Napoleon Hill's classic book Think and Grow Rich was written in the 1930s, but it's still used today because Napoleon Hill was a great teacher. Like all great teachers, the lessons he had to share weren't relevant only to his own time. They were relevant to humanity. Napoleon Hill said, "Any idea, plan or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought." Well, I experienced this firsthand when I stubbornly refused to fall back on my old ways of thinking.

Share: Melissa taught me that success doesn't rest only in determination. There are plenty of determined people out there who don't have a successful business strategy. Success relies more on self-mastery. Why is it that some people start with nothing and gain everything, and others start with everything and end up losing it all? It is because our lives aren't determined by what we were given, but by what we make of it. When success-minded adjustments to our thoughts and habits are made, health, wealth and success naturally follow. As Les Brown, another great teacher of humanity, said, "If you don't program yourself, life will program you."
At first I thought I wouldn't be able to master my own mind and implement these great changes in my life. I underestimated the role and power of a mentor. My mentor helped keep me on track, addressed my fears and doubts, and kept me motivated to truly instill deep shifts in my consciousness. After only a few weeks, I started to see small changes: improvements to my health, fewer fears and more wealth.
My journey to self mastery and success has only begun, but I'm confident that with Melissa's help and mentoring I will stay on the path and achieve all that life has to offer.
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